Are you thinking of joining us and becoming a member? Want to find out more? Then read on….
Below are some frequently asked questions about Community Responders. If your question is not answered, you require more information or wish to apply then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Who can become a Community Responder?
A Community Responder must be over the age of 18, at an acceptable fitness level, able to achieve a satisfactory standard of proficiency after training and have a sympathetic, caring approach to people. They should be an upstanding member of their community with a mature outlook on life. A key factor is that Community Responders should have the ability to work as part of a team, be honest, trustworthy, reliable and compassionate.
Are there any emergencies to which a Community Responder wouldn’t be asked to go?
Will there be any support after dealing with a serious incident?
Following all serious incidents the designated Ambulance Service representative would be available to offer any relevant help or support. During the core working day and week a nominated officer would be available and, out of hours, the Ambulance Service has a number of officers on call who would be available to offer support and, if necessary, visit the Community First Responders at their home addresses.
How are Community Responders called out?
The Emergency Patient Communications Centre (EPCC) of South East Coast Ambulance Service will contact the ‘On Call’ Community First Responder by pager and/or mobile telephone which is part of the equipment supplied. Consideration will be given to each individual scheme with regard to method of call-out and communication.